Sunday, July 2, 2017


My doctor recommended back in March that I cut carbs out of my diet. She did, lost weight and feels so much better. I thought about it for a while, then hung out with my friend Autumn, who has lost 40 lbs, looks amazing and is doing a ketogenic diet. I didn't know much about it, so she sent me a bunch of links, invites to FB groups and lots of advice.

My husband and I discussed it and he decided he was going to do it along with me, which is pretty cool. We set our start date as July 6th, as it's pay day and we can stock the fridge with keto approved foods. I've spent the past week doing extensive research. The beauty of it is that you don't have to make "froo froo" food, which was what I was worried about. I drive an hour each way to work, and knew this wouldn't be sustainable if I had to spend hours cooking food.

So I have been trying to not think of this week as horrible lasts. 
What if this is the last Mountain Dew I ever have?
What if this is the last toast I eat?
What if I never have another Milk Dud in my life?
I love Sweet Corn. What if I never have sweet corn again?

Honestly, the Ketogenic diet allows me to eat SO MANY foods, this shouldn't be a big deal. I think I could eat a pound of bacon a day and be perfectly happy. So I've been trying to change my mindset:
What if I can finally shop in the Misses section, and not Women's plus?
What if I lose weight and keep it off?
What if I feel better and more healthy?
What if I can buy a swimsuit without a skirt to try to hide my fat?

I'm going to try it. I'm going to take 21 days at a time. 3 weeks. Then I can evaluate and do 21 more days. Or decide this isn't the way for me to go. Let's see where this takes me.

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